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709 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
December 29, 1959
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Dear folks,

We opened your box on Friday night, Dec. 20, just before leaving for Chicago (Sat. a.m). We didn't want to carry any more to Chicago than we already had to carry and, besides, we couldn't wait any longer! You were so generous! about the best possible selection for Jack's pajamas: they featured a cat and a C & O cat at that - - Jack's a cat type & likes railroads, so he was especially please; they fit well too. He also enjoyed the red & white shirt, so very x-massy he wore it several days in Chicago. The sweater was a good color & fit as well, he likes the buttoning feature. As for gifts for me: the hose was especially glamorous (seamless; I'd been wanting some but not daring to ask for any). I won't wear it to school, I have some knee socks for that now but I will save it for parties. The pants and slip were welcome necessities. The dress & blouse will wait until spring for further use. The knives are very nice, as we have no specialized knives. The Reader's Digest subscription comes at a time when our Harper's had run out (all student rates, the offer of a year ago.) The painting reminds me of my drawing lesson last summer. It was painted down that way, wasn't it?

We got back from Chicago today & I have just finished a whirlwind of activities - laundry, groceries, hair cutting, unpacking, cooking, card inspection - while Jack went to a meeting that wasn't held after all, after we'd rushed to get back from Chicago by 2:30 for it!