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707 West Springfield 
Urbana, Illinois 
December 4, 1957 

Dear folks, 

We returned from Chicago monday noon. We took a new route, somewhat longer, to avoid the back-to-school rush,[&] were quite successful in doing that. 

In Chicago we visited two sets of friends and Jim [&] Shirley, saw the opera "Don Carlo" (Vendi)[[?]], and ate too much as one does on such occasions. Also got most of X-mas shopping done, without stepping outside the doors of Marshall Fields. A wonderful store! Washington could certainly do with one like it. 

We are wondering what is really wrong with Sophy, cannot understand all those blood transfusions. Please send her hospital address so we can send her a card there (if in time); otherwise, if she goes to Conn., the address there. 

In about a week I will be addressing X-mas cards. If any addresses have changed that you know of, I would appreciate hearing about them. For instance, where to reach Elizabeth at X-mas time? Who has died that I don't remember? to be more explicit,