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give me addresses on the following, if charged, & let me know if I've forgotten their decease:

Robt. V. Beals
Connie Bigalow
Bob & Bamy Blake
Helen Cuiter
Mr. Cutting
Eliz. Deichmann
Lena Fowler
Helen Geoffrey
Emma Hawks
Anna Hoyt
Elis Hoyt
Paul Russell

add add any other mutual acquaintances you think I've missed. I also have Julia, of course.

Jack doesn't think our little moon will set off the ground, adding that the Russians haven't mentioned how many of theirs didn't make it. 

I hope by next year I may be of some ease to or. Frauenfelder's group, too: he needs Russian translation. Next year I take the scientific Russian course. Now we have finished three short stories by Turgenev and are beginning a long short story. Turgenev is grandpa's favorite author, & he reminisced a little on what contact he had with Russians... in Poland, 60 years ago.

Snow fell several inches deep yesterday and is still falling. Walking weather. Last night I scooped some up and made Jack his first snow ice cream; he had previously not wanted to try it, fearing to find foreign matter in the snow, but last night he ate it and enjoyed some. The couple directly below us had it too.

Another hour exam in a week, in physics. Don't know how I did on math exam today. Must go to physics lecture now - 
