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707 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
November 24, 1954

Dear folks,

Thanks for writing early; as it so happened, we aren't leaving Wednesday a.m. after all. Jack heard of a farewell party for the fellow who set up the apparatus he is now working on for Frauenfelder, & as it is the first party we have been invited to involving his working group, we want to go: it is tonight, at Frauenfelder's home. We'll just have to leave town early tomorrow morning.

Don't worry about me driving to Chicago. I don't care for highway driving and will avoid it until I'm a better driver. What I can do now fairly well is take care of all our shopping and laundry trips, & go to Physics wives' meetings, etc.; Jack just hates to be my chauffeur on these occasions. Driving may not be absolutely safe, but it's necessary these days. I supposed my children may tell me that about flying some day ...

We made our X-mas cards last week end .. mostly, anyway.

My mathematics teacher was, in the current campus language, a dog: he will give us