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707 West Springfield 
Urbana, Illinois
November 13, 1957

Dear folks, 

Thanks for forwarding the promotion. Too bad he won't be able to take a summer job!

Interesting to hear of Sophy's treatment. I guess everything that can be set in motion has been set in motion now, we hope the results come out well. Why so many transfusions?

The pictures you wanted are enclosed. We look a lot more indoor black-white flash pictures at our party last Friday but not all the film is used up; I like to save it for those unexpected moments when a camera is usually unavailable to record the "unforgettable" event, Someday I hope to have time to enter these picture in the album you sent us. 

Last night we went to an Audubon lecture - movie on the subject of the Everglades. The picture, in color, ranged from under water exploration of Florida Bay to the dark cypress swamps to the northern most of the area. If you get a chance, you should see it. It will probably come around, the lecture, that is. After that I dropped in on the Physics wives' meeting. The jewelry exhibition was enjoyed by the wives, most of whom wore dresses upon which the lady could attractively model her warer, but so far as I could see no one bought any. Frustrating for the exhibition! I found out that my old Physics lab instructor passed the qualifying this time.