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707 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
October 22, 1957

Dear folks, 

I assume we are to keep Beale's? letter and picture?

We enclose the picture we took last summer that might interest you. Let me know of which you'd like duplicate, & how many (if Win's family wants some). We wish we had gotten film a few weeks ago, when we went to Kickapoo State Park, --an abandoned strip mine with the Salt Fork River and many little ponds, --the weather was fine, the foliage turning, but we found no drug store in the 30 miles between here and there. 

Interesting to hear of Ruth. She may be near our friends in California, I will have to study the maps. The wife is a public school teacher too. I'm glad Bob Beale is back in public life again, given he's enjoying teaching. 

Not much going on here Rainy weather. I have several exams at once (next week) and am studying most of the time. Jack took his German proficiency last Friday, but since one person is grading the 100 odd papers (exam was 3 hours long), it will be some time before the results are out.

We got our Harper's this month O.K.

My old Russian teacher, Miss Koshansky, came to visit Urbana last week end, and the three remaining Russian students who were in her old class went to meet her at school, I included.