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707 West Springfield
Urbana, Illinois
October 16, 1957

Dear Folks,

Very sorry to hear about Sophy's state, and hope Chapin gets here in time, also that he is understanding enough to help. Sorry that Dad overworked. You must not have such an enormous garden. As you can see, it isn't worth it.

Jack is preparing for his German exam day after tomorrow. He has fortunately received the content of Frauenfelder's summer lectures in German (40 pages) which he is very busy in the translation of, as a double shot.

We expect Fred Davis and his German wife Inge this week end. Fred was a high-school friend, with whom we have kept in contact on Chicago visits. He works for Social Security there. I guess we'll put them up on our air mattresses. Fred has several bad qualities, personality-wise, which you have to overlook: he is very stingy (Scotch) and never offers to help you entertain him, although he asks you to entertain him, and he is completely tactless. However, he tries hard to please. His wife is charming.

As for our heat and hot water in this place is concerned, we have too much of the first and plenty of the second. We have our windows open all around. Of course cold weather hasn't begun. We are just now having a spell of raininess.