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We met the Mr. Partch (who wrote the music and built the strange instruments to play it on) at a party Bonnie & Myron gave when they were in town last week. He impressed us then, but the ballet did even more so. He constructed [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] such instruments [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] as "Kithara" (large, 2-person lyre) "harmonic canon" (2 tables of wires with moveable bridges, played with picks), "cloud-chamber bowls" (physics lab jars hung up), and several "marimbas" ([[strikethrough]] boards [[/strikethrough]] blocks with resonators to hit with padded hands): mostly percussive instruments, using 43-tone scales. The players also [[strikethrough]] sun [[/strikethrough]] hummed, grunted, barked, etc. and one girl sang nonsense syllables. The dancers, a N.Y. troup, used fantastic costumes (danced inside bags, sheets, etc.) and were often very funny. Surprisingly enough, it was all very effective and the audience (including us) loved it. Since it was the first performance, Mr. Partch's joy was plain to see & we were happy for him. 
Dois always leaves the drearier things for me to write. Today, the business of lawn mowers, which we have been discussing. I have pushed all kinds while in the army and while the power mowers don't take as much labor to push as the [[strikethrough]] hash [[/strikethrough]] hand type, guiding one and dragging one around is still not what one would call a sedentary occupation. We