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111 East Healey
Champaign, Illinois
Phone: 6 - 0690
March 1, 1957

Dear Folks,

Seems to me I mailed a letter to you yesterday but I may have lost it so I will try again. 

As you see, we've moved. I went into the "why" in great detail in the other letter and don't feel like repeating myself so, in short, it was because the people upstairs were too noisy and getting noisier (kid was walking), both day and night. We weren't getting enough sleep and couldn't concentrate, so we moved. 

We didn't find this place until Monday and have finally got everything moved and are settled down to new routine. It is 3rd floor in a big old house and will probably be hot as blazes in the summer but we will move out come summer. 

We're almost also just caught up with our school-work; this has been a very busy week, I can tell you. 

I've been in luck in Physics lately. Last Friday I thought I flunked a quiz, got one of the highest grades. A fellow who assured me he "aced" it last week was