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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
February 14, 1957

Dear folks,

We're glad to hear that Dad is getting out and don't blame him for wanting to go to the store, visit, etc. after such a long time upstairs.

We are indeed busy now, but this is a somewhat easier semester than the last one; I have 2 less hours & Jack no qualifying, tho' he wants to pass a proficiency. 

So we've been remaking some social contacts & are going to see people we saw seldom last fall. The wife of one old friend of Jacks, it turns out, also has a recorder, & she & I will play together about once a week, perhaps, while Jack & her husband, Henry, go to the library. Henry is doing a Ph.D. thesis in sociology. Her name is Beatrice.

The crawfish died, did I tell you? because of lack of fresh food during the cold spell. We were certainly sorry to lose him.

I am looking forward to the lettuce you will plant. We have been having leafy