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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
February 9, 1957

Dear Folks,

We have gotten settled & down to studying at 

Now it occurs what we forgot to do & bring. The thing I couldn't for the life of me recall that last morning was to insert the bed board.– – Oh no Jack just tells me he did it, but I certainly don't remember helping do it. That's good!

The other thing I forgot can be easily remedied: that Indian [[strikethrough]] corn [[/strikethrough]] pudding recipe I meant to bring. Could you send it please?

Jack is taking the second semester of Quantum Mechanics and Solid State Theory and an introductory course in Nuclear Physics this semester. This is good, (the last) because, altho he must still take a 1-year nuclear course, he will be better able to make up his mind on what research to enter (nuclear or solids) next fall. This spring he will be making up his mind. There are a large number ([[strikethrough]] 10–15 [[/strikethrough]] 7-10) research groups, large & small, under professors, doing thesis work in those 2 main fields. There are many considerations: personality of Prof., large or small group & its composition, ease in quick finishing of name a few...which must be investigated as well as what research you might like to do.