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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
January 9, 1957

Dear Folks,

We are very much upset by Dad's troubles and plan to visit you folks between the semesters. We won't have much time, and I can't tell you when we can get there, because Jack's schedule is so confusing. An instructor of his has made an attempt to shift a final from the second to the last day of finals, which would cut 3 days from our vacation, & Jack has to be back a little early (regular date Fab. 4) so we may have only 3 days in D.C., driving weather being normal. 

Jack will try to straighten this out soon. 

He'd also like to apply for a job in D.C. during his brief stay there. Perhaps we could live with you folks next summer & both work in D.C. 

I certainly wish you had one of the "bungalow" types of house now! I can see that staying upstairs would be annoying to anyone. 

In order to alleviate his boredom (if he isn't working hard at his Florae), we will bring all the