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Bureau R.F. + A.L.
Head Qrs. Apt Com'r Va
Richmond Va. March 10 1866

Miss Edna D. Chaney
Sec. N.E.F.A. Soc.

Yours of the 7th is read and considered. We have no wish to injure Mr. Frost, and will not. He was appointed Sup. under the General understanding that each of the leading Freedmens associations should have charge of a district, and also pon the fact that he reported here to be assigned to duty, instead of going, as is common, to some place previously arranged for by the ass'n. sending the teacher. I have written to Mr. Frost, "It is thought best that you should devote your time and efforts to the best development of the school at Gordonsville, and allow Capt. Crandere, through his assignments, to attend to the wants of the dist. at large" &c. This arrangement I have no doubt will be satisfying to all parties and profitable for the schools.

I am, Very Resp'y,
Your Servt,
R.M. Manly,
Sup. Freedmens Schools