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Sep. 20

Miss H. E. Stevenson
Sec do

Dear Friend
I do not think it will be possible to make the school rooms at the Bakery ready for use sooner than two weeks from next Monday, Oct. 8. Being obliged to depend upon the Bureau for materials there have been some delays, though for the most part the work has gone on as fast as possible. To unmake and make over two larger buildings, to accommodate six hundred scholars and manufacture settees and desks for the whole is a large and expensive work.
I am not an alarmist and am not alarmed, but I might hereafter be charged with neglect of duty if I did not suggest that it may not be entirely prudent for teachers to come here now. The weather is very warm -- almost like July, and choleraic influences somewhat prevalent. The papers report an average of about five cases per day and there are probably as many more not reported. I do not state this to influence any decision of yours, but simply that you may act understandingly.
Ver Resp'y
R. M. Manly
Sup Schools

Bureau R.F.&A.L.
Hd Qrs Asst Commr
Richmond Va Sep 18 1866

Rev Crammond Kennedy
Sec N.Y.Br. A.F.&U.C.
Dear Sir, Gen Brown directs me to forward you these papers, with the information that Mr Pegram holds a copy of the lease, properly signed by Mr Coleman as agt. and witnessed. He requests that the bill be paid, forwarding a check for the Amt. to Robt. B. Pegram Sup Petersburg R.R. by National Express Co. to Petersburg. Mr Hawkins understands the case well.
By Order of Genl Brown
R. M. Manly
Sup of Schools