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Sep. 24 66

Rev. Crammond Kennedy

Dear sir,

Last year the Bap. Home Mission Soc. employed Miss Rachel E. R. Thompson, 17 Bridge St. Boston, Mass. (colored) as a teacher at Manchester, opposite this city. The field of usefulness is large, and the teacher's ability of the first grade. In fact I cannot name one teacher, in any primary school in Virginia, who was more successful and useful than she. As the Mission Society abandons the field of secular education it will be a great pity if some other association does not return this teacher to her field.

Miss Mary E. Knowles of Worcester Mass. is another Teacher of superior merit, sustained last year by the same society, who ought not to be lost to the service.

Miss Baker is a very acceptable teacher and we shall be glad to see her again.

As the new teachers whom you will send here are known to you through their credentials, and the old teachers through their history as teachers, I should be glad of any suggestions toward their assignment to duty. The school at your building will be in five distinct grades, from alphabet upward. The task of assigning the teachers may be somewhat delicate.

Very Respectfully
R. M. Manly
Sup. Education