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DEC. 12 66

S Willard Saxton
Send School Blanks
50 of Form No. 2
100 of Form No. 3
300 of Form No. 4

DEC 14 66
Rev. Crammond Kennedy Cor Sec
Dear Sir:
Yours of the 13th is at hand. I would inform you that the transportation of your teachers at Petersburg has been paid to them.
Maj. Stone Sup. 2nd Dist. at Petersburg forwards his district report of schools for November, without the report of your school at Pocahontas, and in an accompanying letter says:
"Miss Minnie Hill, in charge of the school at Pocahontas has paid no attention to our request for a report (for which the blanks were forwarded her) and we are consequently unable to report the same."
I hope Miss Hill will be taught her duty. I am of the opinion that this is a deliberate act on the ground that she owes no allegiance to anybody but to her lady patron. 
Very Respy
R. M. Manly