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Dec 22 66
Miss H.E. Stevenson 
I have just given a day to a thorough inspection of your schools in this city, and will briefly report their exact condition. From frequent brief calls, I had previously known that any experienced teacher might find much satisfaction in a close inspection. 
The classification and grading is as follows:
Miss Canedy - 4th & 5th Readers, Written Arith. History, Higher Subjts.
Miss M.E. Clark - 3rd Reader, Geog. Nos 1 & 2, Primary & Intermediate Arith.
Miss Ballard - 2nd Reader, Primary Arith, Prim. Geog. 
Mr. Honey - 1st Reader, General exercises in Arith & Geog. 
Miss Angier - All in Primary, some soon going into 1st Reader
Miss Sarah Clark } Alphabet & Primer
Mr. Woolfolk } Alphabet & Primer
The discipline in Miss Canedy's and Miss Ballard's schools is perfect and beautiful, a discipline of affection and reason. The scholars do not seem to have a thought of anything but respectful obedience. The discipline in Miss M.E. Clarks, Miss Angiers, and Mr. Woolfolks is without fault, is most excellent, each is entirely and easily master of