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Jan 25   7
Miss Ada W. Smith
Your communication of the 9th inst addressed to Capt Austin and asking that certain rents be paid by the Bureau, has been referred to me for recommendation.  Before endorsing the paper, however, I wish to inquire whether - in case the Bureau assumes the rents in question - your schools will be held subject to the same supervision of the Bureau as is or may be exercised over other schools in your city, receiving aid from the Bureau!
In order to answer this question understandingly you will wish to know to what matters the "supervision" may relate. I answer. The Bureau welcomes with equal cordiality all christian laborers in this field, and does not care to know what religious opinions are taught or what is the internal management of the schools. But when the public funds are used, the schools aided should all work in the most efficient way and no way inefficient that lacks system. The proper function of the Bureau in relation to schools is to harmonize and give [[^]]efficiency to the labor of the