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money for a school house under this plan Gen Brown will require that the teacher should be designated and shall be approved by the Sup. Education.
I have, for some time, been thinking of submitting to yourself and the secs of the other associations a new measure for enlarging your work at lighter expense than sending teachers from the North:
It frequently occurs, in the suburbs of the cities, and in country places, that some reliable person, white or black, wishes to teach, but is not able to get a support from the tuitions that might be collected.  It has seemed to me that the associations are becoming satisfied of the character and qualifications of the teachers, might contract to pay so much per month for each scholar, for the average daily attendance, say 50 cents per month, and the teacher collect the balance necessary for a comfortable subsistence from the scholars. This would be a stimulus to maintain a good attendance, and would leave something for the colored people to do, which is quite as important for them as for any other people under heaven.
Think of the plan (thus imperfectly stated) and see if there is not something in it.
Yours Very Respy