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Feb. 22
Rev. J. Brinton Smith S.D.
Genl. Agt. Freed. Com. Prot. Episc. Church-
Rev. & Dear Sir: I am happy to come into communication with you directly. I shall write briefly this morning, in acknowledgment of your esteemed favor of the 19th inst. and to inform you that I returned from Norfolk yesterday where I had a full and very stisfactory interview with Miss Ada W. Smith, whose catholic spirit and enlightened views, as well as her manifest energy and ability pleased me very much. I have approved her application for the payment of rents. I think you are as fortunate in her appointment to the charge of your work in Norfolk as you were unfortunate in that of her predecessor.

The work which has accumulated on my table, during my absence, precludes the possibility of writing fully this morning.

I am Very Resp'y-
Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Sup. Education
I hope you will see Rev. Wm. Geo Hawkins of your church my class-mate and friend, who is now in N.Y. to promote our important educational enterprise in Va. He has a letter which I wrote, but which bears Gen. Brown's signature that will explain the matter. He writes me that he has been in communication with Rev. Dr. Haight.

Yours Truly R.M.M.