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20th March
Bvt. Cap. C.S. Schaeffer Asst. Sup.

I have just returned from an inspection tour of five days, and find your communication of the 18th asking an appropriation for a school house at Newbure with estimate enclosed. Before endorsing the paper, it is necessary for me first to know, whether the maintenance of teacher is provided for and by whom, also the number pupils expected in the day school. I infer that no school is yet in operation. The Bureau is not at liberty, by law, to appropriate money for school house repairs or rental until the support of a school is made certain. Here lies the great difficulty. The resources of the Benevolent associations are exhausted and the most of them have returned me negatives to the applications I have recently made for teachers. However, when you have given me the information I require, I will do all that can be done to supply this essential prerequisite.

Very Resp'y
R.M. Manly
Sup Education &c