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Richmond Va
27th March 1867

Rev. Geo Whipple Sec

Dear Sir:
Gen Brown directs me to write you to inquire what conclusion, if any, has been reached in regard to the proposed manual labor Normal school, also to say that he thinks there is no doubt now but just such a charter as you may desire can be obtained of the legislature, in its return. in a few days, from its return. If such a charter is wanted it should be in process of preparation.

Your Very Truly
R. M. Manly

March 27
Maj. J.R. Stone: Sup 1st Dist.
I write by direction of Gen. Brown Asst Comr, to call your attention to the importance of establishing, in you city, a free Circulating Library for the people of color. The schools unlock the

Transcription Notes:
line cut off at bottom of the page is not readable and thus cannot be transcribed