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Aug. 17

Bvt. Lieut. Col. Jno W. Jordan
Asst. Sub. Asst. Com'r.

I have the honor to acknowledge the rect. of your letter dated yesterday. That the freedmen should "think strange" that appropriations for school houses have not been made in any particular locality, does not surprise me, but that you should think so after what has been written does surprise me. I will again try so to put the matter that it shall not seem strange to any body.

1st Considerably more than one half of the counties (I do not know the precise number) have rec'd no appropriation for school houses.

2nd Exact uniformity has been observed in the treatment of an application for aid; viz: Wherever it has been made to appear that arrangements had been made, either by the people or some charitable source, for the support of a school an appropriation has been made, and in no other case. For instance, your applications made last March were referred to several of the stronger charitable associations with the earnest