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Aug. 27

Jno. McGill

Rev. & Dear Sir:

Yours of the 14th. inst was duly rec'd -- It would have had immediate attention, but for a sudden & violent attack of intermittent fever to which I was obliged to give the precedence. 
The Bureau will be happy to cooperate with you for the establishment of a day school. If you are prepared to assure the maintenance of a teacher, the proper steps to be taken are for you to address the Bureau Officer of your Dist. -- Cap. E. B. Gates of Warreaton, stating that a teacher will be maintained if a school house is provided. State also the probable number of pupils that will attend and ask for an appropriation of not more than $150 or $175. The Colored people are expected liberally to help themselves, especially in the way labor in erecting their school houses. 
The Bureau Officer should be able to make a favorable endorsement and forward the paper--

I am very Resp'y
Your Ob Sevt.  R. M. Manly
Sup. Education