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Sep 21

Lt. E. W. Busby  A.S.A.C.

Dear Sir: Your communication dated Sep. 11th, relating to schools, and addressed to Col. Johnson, has been referred to me for review. For the sake of more fulness of statement I answer by letter rather than by endorsement.

1st In respect to Teachers. These are all employed and paid by the various charitable associations, (except where supported by tuitions paid by the freedmen) and the Bureau can do nothing more than to put parties desiring teachers, in communication with those associations.

Address Rev. Crammond Kennedy
Con. Sec. N. Y. Branch F. U. Com., 30 Vesey St. N. Y. 
Rev. Geo. Whipple
Con. Sec. Anon Miss Ass'n. 53 John St. N. Y. 
From the knowledge I have of these societies, I am sure there will be very little use in asking for a teacher from either of them, unless the expense of boarding the teacher is provided for among the freedmen.