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20th Nov     7

Bvt. Lieut Col James Johnson
S. A. C.

Colonel: From the enclosed report you will learn of one school not on your Report. This monday recd. I wish you would instruct your subordinates to make thorough explanation for such schools and have the no. of teachers and no. of pupils reported if no more. It will not generally be practicable to obtain more information than that. All these private "pay" schools may be consolidated into one line on your Report, saying "Variously Located" under the head of "Location and name of School". Genl. Anson is very anxious to know the whole number under instruction, however poor it may be. 
P.S. I have been tempted once a month for two years to call your attention to a peculiarity in the report of the Fredericksburg School. Now I will do. It is the only school in which every item is in round numbers "40", "60", "90". "200" &c &c This has always been so, and it looks very much as though no school register has been kept. Please ask the ladies if they are strictly accurate in their reports.
Very Respy
R. M. Manly
Sup Education