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Jan. 11  8

Mr. J.N. Murdock

Dear Sir:

Your communication of the 1st inst to Lt. Rutherford has reached me through the official channels. I do not suppose it possible to obtain any assistance through the benevolent association. Their resources are already overdrawn. In your letter to me dated Oct. 14. You pledge your own services for a night school, and assume the responsibility of a day school to be taught by a competent colored person and you add "If the school cannot be properly conducted in this way I am obligated to conduct it myself." This was, perhaps, too generous a pledge and one to which you ought not to be strictly held. If the day school cannot be provided for we must satisfy ourselves with a good night school.  I should be glad if the Bureau were at liberty to employ you.

Suppose I could succeed in procuring an appropriation of $10 per month under the name of rent, would that much enable you to undertake, in person, the school.

More could not be appropriated as rent, and nothing can be appropriated any other way. 

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Sup Education