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March 24   8

E.H. Ripley. Asst. Sub. Asst. Comm'r


I have the honor to inform you that a lady of Boston, a teacher of many years experience – accompanied probably by an assistant – wishes to come into Virginia to establish a permanent school, in the wealthy mountain region. – no tuition to be charged – (the furnishing of a school house and Books being all that will be required of the people) They think they would like Front Royal as the location. This is to enquire what you think of it, for your place. A letter this morning, from Mrs. E. S. Cheney, Sec. of the Ass'n that will commission the teachers says: "Will you have the kindness to give us all the particulars about the place, and also have the ladies can live there, whether they can find board, and at what rate, about the school house [[?]]"

Please answer their questions as soon as possible and very much oblige:

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Sup Education