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would depend upon the character of the City Council. 
We thought we had the matter fixed here but there was some legal flaw, and we had to go back and commence de novo. The move develops intense opposition, and the rebel papers bellow and vomit their bile in the most approved Southern Fashion. We shall, however, carry the measure, somewhat reduced in its proportions. 
  Petersburg moved of its own accord, looking for cooperation from Bureau's Peabody fund merely- the secret purpose being to get rid of the Yankees and run the machine for benefit of the Widows of Rebel Soldiers.
  Genl. B. purposes to go to Norfolk soon and see what he can do there.
  The movement is attended with some difficulties on account of the intense hatred of northern men and notions.
Very Respy R. M. Manly

July 16
Rev. Thos. G. Murphy
Dear Sir: Genl. Brown directs me to reply briefly to your favor of the 14th, thanking you for the same.
  On the subject of the threats against the Freedmen, they are being made all over the state, and very likely, in many cases, will be executed.
But the only reply the Bureau can make is that the Freedmen will be protected in their rights,
and provided for if brought to suffering on account of exercising those rights.
  The conduct of the rebel minister you tell of was as characteristic of the devilish spirit of the lost cause of slavery and rebellion as was yours of the spirit of Christian Republicanism. Let the dying serpent bite the instrument that pierces him.
Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Sup Education