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July 21 '68
Mrs. F. S. Lukey
Dear Madam:
Yours of the 10th, with a note from Mr. Lukey dated the 20th is this morning recd. If you seek an appointment from same Association, your application should be made directly to those associations, as I have nothing whatever to do with their appointments. I never recommend to them, nor do they consult me, except in case of reappointments. The Freedmen's Union Commission, I presume will not be able to do anything for you. The Ass'n is about bankrupt and will have very few if any teachers in the field. Still I believe that within two months should be able to make some arrangement by which you can be assisted in maintaining a school. I shall not lose sight of your case and will [[strikethrough]] inform of [[/strikethrough]] give you the first information favorable to your wishes. Wishing you good health and much usefulness
I am Very Respy
RM. Mauly
Sup Education