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                                                            Aug 15-
Rev J.L. Heeves

Dear Bro:
I am very solicitous for the return of Mrs. Parker to Richmond, and take the liberty of writing you in reference to it.  As an inmate of my family during her grievous wrongs and sufferings she won the highest regards of us all, for her rare christian virtues as well rare fidelity to duty as a teacher and success in the discharge of those duties.
At the time the she left, it was expected that the City Council would aid in the support of teachers, but we are probably to be disappointed in this expectation.
If you can raise $400, I suppose that sum can be made to suffice, and if anything further is necessary it can be made up here: The necessity of holding our position here in full force until after the election both State and Presidential, is most imperative, and then if Grant is elected we can take care of ourselves: if he is not we shall have to get out of here-

Regards to Mrs. P. when you see her.

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Sup. Education