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Aug. 15 '68

Mrs. Stoutenburg
Dear Madam:
I have a line from Mr. Shearer in regard to your return to Fredericksburg, saying that you are under the impression that I would be able to support you. I do not know what you have heard, but the following is what I expect to be able to do. viz: 
To pay you 25 cts per month, for each pupil of the average attendance, so that, for example, if you had an average attendance, any month, of 50 pupils I should pay you for that month $12.50 - if you had 100 pupils it would be $25 - tc tc

This is from a charitable fund placed at my disposal to be used on the above plan. If you can get an equal amount from your friends at home, and the colored people pay your board, you can get along nicely. I very much desire your return, and shall wait with interest to hear from you further.

Very Respy
Your he
R.M. Mauly
Sup Education