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Aug. 29 1868

C.P. Goodyear

Dear Sir:

I have approved your application for $150. for Cat-Tail Church. 

I can send you, I suppose, a young lady white, some 30 years of age, said to be of approved experience and capacity to take charge of that school, and a colored assistant, and provide for their support, if you can provide a suitable place for the white lady to live (either a respectable boarding place with white people, or rooms where she can have a servant and board herself) and a comfortable boarding place for the colored teacher among her own people. I do not mean that you are to meet or provide for the expense of these teachers living- but only the facilities The expense of course should be as moderate as practicable, and it seems to me that the people sending to school should pay a very small tax monthly. I leave that however to your judgement. 

Write as soon as practicable what you can do. 

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Sup Ed.