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Oct. 5
Mrs [[?]]
Dear Madam: Yours of the  5th in relation to the salaries of your Rich. teachers is rec'd. I too should [[?]] a clearer understanding than I have. Hitherto the [[?]] arrangement with your Richmond teachers been to pay them $20 per month ($150 for the period of nine month and their transportation. Then you have boarded them, but with this they have never had anything to [[?]] and have not even known their contract. [The cost has averaged for three years [[?]] $20 per month]
You say we pay always a quarter salary in advance. I think you have never done so for your Richmond teachers; they have been [[?]] month by month. I never heard before of paying $500 per year; $300 per year thought you paid by the month. Am I to make payments of any kind or is it to be in to your treasure [[?]] [[?]] with them? Are


in any case more than $20 and their board?
The way I had supposed the matter would stand is as follows: viz: That you pay them as heretofore $20 and their board and their transportation home- all of which amount to about $400 (a little less in all cases I think) for the term of nine months: 2d. That to help you in meeting that amount I should pay you from the Peabody fund 25 cts per scholar per month of the average attendance - which will be at least $10 per month for each teacher - and that the Bureau at Washington would pay you about $10 per month for each teacher. I understand when in Washington that this was to be done. Then it is hoped and believed that the collection from pupils and the rent of your premises paid by the Bureau here will more than meet all incidental expenses
Of course, I care not how the matter is arranged, only that the understanding shall be distinct and mutual.
Very Respy
R.M Manly
Sup Ed