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Oct. 23rd 1868

C. P. Goodyear A.S.A.C. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 18th & 21st are rec'd - also applications for rent of house for teachers to live in at [[? ?]] and for $175. for school house at C.H. I will reply to all.

1st in regard to Books for [[? ?]]. I suppose you want books to be given to the children. I have not a book of any kind that I have not bought with my own money for the school at my house. I can sell books if that is what you desire at 25 perct discount from usual store price.

2nd The rent on [[? ?]] must be continued and Miss Scott must receipt for it and must pay for the stores & [[?]] and her house-rent and the balance will go to her for salary. This instead of having the Bureau rent the dwelling house which it cannot do.

3 The school house at West Point Church will be rented at $20 and Miss Preston will receipt for the rent and it will all go to her toward her salary.

4 The application for $175 for the C.H. is disapproved because it appears to be impossible to provide the support of teachers or the teachers either.

5 What are the pupils doing to help support their schools at both places. Can they not all be required to pay some small stipend either in money or provisions to help board their teachers?

Give my kind regard to Miss Preston.
Very Resp
R. M. Manly