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April 2nd
Fras Geo Shaw, Pres
Dear sir,
Your communication has been sent and referred to me for report & recommendation. I have prepared my paper and it has been favorably endorsed by Genl. Brown and I am going to Washington tonight to try to put it through. If they refuse at Washington still we ( the Rich'd Ed. Ass'n) mean to purchase. even if we have to advance the means, temporarily, out of our private funds. What we hope - in case of purchase, that you will allow the means necessary - about $200 - to put the place in repair for next year. One of the buildings was found with old shingles which must be renewed, shutters must made, whitewashing done &c. to the Amt. above named.
I forward herewith Reports of Teachers. two others will be forwarded as soon as rec'd
Very Respy
RM Manly