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I believe the following may be depended upon
1st the children will pay 25 cts per month; which will cover all the incidental expenses- such as fuel lights, janitor services, repair &c - 
2nd the Peabody fund will - I believe, pay next year, as it has this, about $10. per month for each teacher (ie. for a portion of the teachers - such as I designate)
3rd the Bureau will, I believe, also pay $10. per month Toward the support of each teacher - as it has done this year.
I believe, together, it is safe to say that if you will provide $250. I can take care of the rest. And if you will raise $500 you can send me two teachers
It is possible we may get the city to do something, though we do not dare count on that. 
Allow me, dear Madam, to depend on your society for a teacher. 
Very Respy
Yours &c
R.M. Manly
Supt Education
P.S. I do not it necessary for your society to exert itself to provide clothing or other physical relief. The people can get along without your assistance in that direction, but could in the other.