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May 25th  9.
Messrs. J. Hayes Shields and W. T. Gilbert 
School Commissioners,
Corporation of Winchester
Your communication of the 15th of February last, addressed to Capt. Will. A. Coulter, and asking the cooperation of the Bureau with support of a system of public schools in the city of Winchester, was referred to the undersigned, on the 30th ult.
The neglect of your communication has not resulted from any intentional discourtesy, but partly from the change which the Bureau itself has undergone, and partly from the fact that hitherto it has been impossible to give a definite answer to your inquiries.
I am able now to say that the Bureau will be glad to cooperate and give such aid as it can, consistently with its obligations to all parts of the state.
If you still desire the assistance asked for in your letter, I would be glad to know, what is the present condition of your school enterprise, what number of schools and teachers for white