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69. 01
May 25 9 
Miss Scott
I had the strongest assurances from sources which I deemed reliable that the colored public were not properly accommodated and were not satisfied with Mrs.  Melody's school, and that there would be probably 40 pupils to enter your school at once, and pay 40 cts each per month. It was stated that the opening of your  school would be hailed with pleasure by the colored people. It was on account of these representations, which I relied when as being true, that I sent you — my sole object being to accommodate the greatest number with instruction. 
I shall pay Mrs. Gorden $10. per month as rent. She will retain six of this and give you four. 
It seems that your board will be $8. per month, and your salary, (aside from board) is to be $15. You will therefore require $23. per month to meet my engagement with you. To make this up you will have $4. from Mrs. Gorden, and after you have counted up what you get from the pupils I shall send you the balance. For example, if you should have 30 pupils, each paying 40 cts, that would give you $12. which with the $4 from Mrs. Gorden would make you $16. and then I should have to send you $7. If you