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July 20  9

Miss M.E. Shearman

Yours of the 8th inst. in reference to lease of Ground at Danville (addressed to Genl Howard) has been forwarded to me for recommendation.  I think the Bureau should realise the lease, but Maj. White's papers, relating to such matters, were packed and forwarded to Washington, so that I do not know from whom the place was leased, nor the Amt. nor time.  Please inform me if you know, or give me the name of some person in Danville whom I can address.

You mistake the intentions of the Bureau, when you omit your Danville schools from your Rental Acct.  They should be put in with the rest, but no sum carried out against the names of those teachers.  But the amt. that would be charged against their names if you owned the building, should be added to the charge made against the names of other teachers, so as to give you, after all, $10. per month for each teacher, provided the school averaged 30 pupils or more.  The Acct. is returned for you to make it out according to this understanding.

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly

V.9. 1st Vol 1869