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their hands, and instruct them how properly to make out a report - obtain and "average" &c.  I send you today some Registers and blanks for yourself and others, within your reach who may need them. 

On what foundation for support does your school, and Miss [[?]] Miss Marlems and the two colored men you mention rest?  Are "You all" commissioned and supported by some of the charitable educational associations?  With this information I shall know how to act. 

In regard to a school house in Miss Stebbins place, if it is the right place to locate one, with a permanent and ample supply of pupils - and you see how a teacher is to be supplied - and the Freedmen are ready to take hold and aid, I will extend some assistance.   More definite and full information is desirable.  

I am pained and indignant of the shameful outrages to which virtue and loyalty are subjected and if I could wield thunderbolts you would hear a noise in your neighborhood!  I can do nothing more than call Genl. Canby's attention, which I will do. 

I hope to have the pleasure of visiting your section early in the Autumn. 

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Supt. Education