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Aug. 6   9

Mrs. E.D. Chaney

Dear Madam: 

It is a little awkward (but not hopeless) collecting your rental, on account of so many of your buildings belonging to the Govt.  Your schools at Piedmont, Culpeper, the Normal at Richmond, Louisa CH., Orange CH. are in buildings which do not belong to the Govt. and a rental must be charged on these which shall amount to $10 a head on all the teachers - both those working in these buildings and in those belong to the Govt.  I will enclose one of the "Schedules" roughly filled out to show your Treasurer how to do it.  There will have to be a few abatements (for example, in the case of Miss Chase at Louisa and perhaps others) but these will be made according to our rules, when you forward your "Schedule and Rental Acct" to this office for verification. 

The Board of Directors of the Richmond Educational Ass'n have directed me to assume the office of Principal of the Normal School, and to do what duty is strictly