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R.H. Dennis

Dear Sir: 

Yours of Aug 24 would have been replied to immediately had I been in the city.  I have just returned from an absence of 18 days in the North.

The law creating the Bureau contemplates that it will act in connection with the Charitable Associations, and says expressly that it shall "cooperate with them", and does not provide any other method of operation.  The only thing I could do, as Bureau Agt., in case your school became a private enterprise, would be to pay the rent on the schoolroom.  The $10. per month which the Govt. pays to the Ass'n. could not, under the law, be paid to a private individual.  The Gov't does not pay anything per month for each scholar.  It only pays $10. per month for each principal teacher (not assistant.)

In regard to Peabody money, you would get none except while I have the disbursing of it, because Dr. Sears, the Genl. Agt. has no dealings with private individuals, but pays his money in large sums to Incorporated schools, or Boards of Education, or State Superintendents &c for them to disburse, and account for.  If your school becomes private I might perhaps pay you $10. per month the present - shall pay no school more.

I think you had better arrange with the Society to stay with it.

R.M. Manly