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September 8th  9
M.P. Abell Esqr
Charlottesville, Va. 

Your favor of 16th inst with contracts and pay is received.  Enclosed herewith vouchers and receipt, rolls for signature.  The vouchers and rolls are intended to cover, in materials and labor, the amount, $800.00/100, appropriated by this Board towards the School House.  The Vouchers will be signed in duplicate by John R. Thompson, and will not be filled in, only signed.  Accompanying these please send a list of materials used - viz.

So many feet of lumber at cost per M
– lbs of nails at – per lb
– window lights at – per box, or light
– bbls of lime and cost per bbl 
– number of bricks and cost per M
and any other item of this nature.

The receipt rolls will be signed in duplicate, by each person, under the printed heading "Signed names" and signatures witnessing by some person under head "Witnesses".

The rolls will not the paid without in only signed by employee and witnesses.  Accompany them send a list of employees names and