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Sept 24  9

R.R. Corson Sec &c

Dear Sir:

I enclose Julie G. Jones letter, omitted by mistake in my former.  She does not seem to know of your intention to give her City Point, and it was this put simply which led me to doubt whether you were you were intending to adopt her.  The N.Y. Branch know nothing of her;  I said they would adopt her if you did not, because they had given that much latitude.  I wish to look to you to take care of City Point, and will you not also of Garyville?  
Do you provide Fincastle and the other places held by you in Lynchburg and that region of country?  I hope so.

You are mistaken, I think, in regard to vacation rentals.  The language of Genl. Howard's order is  "The time only, during which the school shall have actually been taught is to be reckoned".  (Gen. H. Order dated Aug. 14) and this agrees with the verbal statements of all parties at Washington to me.  

I do not understand just what list of buildings you want.  I have no list different from the one you furnished.

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Sup. Ed