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Jan 22 1965 
Rt 3 Box 377
Wilmington NC

Dear Mrs Starr I recived your letter was glad to hear from you and to recived the money glad to no I have found a friend like you and Mr. Starr may God ever bless both of you. you have made me happy Mrs. Starr I do not need the pictures now I want you to keep them so you can find some one to buy them I no some one will at some time God did not give me the gift for nothing Mrs Starr why not try Mr. Moses at the world fair they dont have what I have my son and his wife viseted the fari and bought back some books and magazines and they dont have what I have you can try nothing beats a try but failuer it might sound funny but who no. I have some of the most pritties pictures you have ever seen. I thank from my heart Mrs Starr soon let me hear

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Mother and the rest sinds love let me no what you think of my plain try pleas. I am praying real hard and I no God will hear and ansiwer prayers

from Minnie

(envelope postmarked January 29, 1965)