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April 27, 1965

Dear Minnie -

A friend of mine in New York, would like to buy two of your crayon pictures. One has a face in the center, & (?) of a crown, with gold paint. The other has a horned animal with wings in the center.

My friend, Miss Kong, whose family are Chinese, offers you $10. each for these pictures. If you will sell for this, please let me know soon. If you feel you should ask more, please name your price, & I will see if she will pay it.

I hope your mother is feeling better now, & you too. Do write me some news when you answer.

My friend also likes the "funny animals" that I photographed. If you know which these are, & will sell them, let me know your price on them. I do not have them here - , only my photographs.

Mr. Starr sends best wishes, & so do I,

Nina Starr