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June 6, 1965
Mrs Minnie Evans
Rt 3, Box 377
Wilmington NC

My dear Mrs Starr  I was glad to hear from you  hope you and Mr Starr are doing well and enjoying the (?) of health as for me and Mother we are well as expected Mrs Starr I dont no the when I will leave here  my granddaughter will be here on the 4th  I dont no how long she will stay but when she leave I will send you a telegram in time to let you no. if you think it will be allrite  I hope the pictures is OK. I did not put any price on them  I  you can sell them if you can  pleas take out for your trouble to.  I am very ansuges to get to NY so you can see my new pictures  do you think it will


wise to bring them  let me no  I would like for them to be seen. I do not no which one I will stay with my son, or grand daughter or cousin Mable  they want me to stop with Mable elevetor, so I would not have to walk up steps so I will let you no when I am leaving  let me no what you think of my plain

from your friend

(envelope postmarked June 13, 1965)