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of the
Washington Academy of Sciences
and the
D.C. Council of Engineering and Architectural Societies
on Engineers, Scientists and Architects Day
takes pleasure in presenting to 
Elaine M. Kilbourne
Science Teacher Citation
in recognition of
Outstanding Teaching of Science and Mathematics

[[handwritten signature]] Churchill Eisenhart [[/handwritten signature]]
Chairman, Joint Board on Science Education

[[handwritten notation]] Feb. 1964 [[/handwritten notation]]

[[handwritten signature]] Snell E. Campbell [[/handwritten signature]]
Chairman, Teacher Awards Committee

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Mrs. Elaine M. Kilbourne is a well prepared high school teacher. Her undergraduate work was in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and English, and her graduate study has been in Guidance (Student personnel and Administration.) This combination of subject matter and guidance has helped make this young lady a most outstanding teacher. 

Mrs. Kilbourne is currently sponsoring three clubs, (Science, Photography, and Chemistry), is chairman of the Testing and Alumni Association, and a member of the following committees:  Student Council, Awards, National Honor Society, and Yearbook.  She has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Science Fair, active in numerous professional organizations, and won a number of awards for her contributions in the field of science. 

Her zest for her work permeates students with whom she comes in contact. This fact is born out by the outstanding success of her students on the College Boards, in National contests, and in College.  I am convinced that Mrs. Kilbourne will make a good representative of the American teaching profession to send abroad. 

John D. Koontz, Principal
November 16, 1955