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Mrs Horn
Mr Griffith
Mrs Mason

23 May 1955

John M. Koontz, Principal
Anacostia High School
Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir: 

I am pleased to notify you that the Alpha Chi Sigma High School Prize Examination which was given last Friday was won by Arthur N. Kales, a contestant from Anacostia High School. Mr. Kales made a score of 81 out of a possible 100 points. Second place went to Oscar Browne of Western High School with 78 points.

Also the Anacostia Team B placed first with a total of 319 points. Team A of Woodrow Wilson was second with a total of 306 points. I have forwarded to Mrs. Kilbourne the scores of each of the students from Anacostia High School.

Mr. Kales will receive a Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, and we are having his name engraved on the plaque which will go to your school for the coming year. 

Please accept our congratulations for the fine performance of the contestants from Anacostia High School. Mrs. Kilbourne is to be commended for the fine group which participated from her class, and we are looking forward to making the awards. 

Sincerely yours,
[[handwritten signature]] Robert C. Vincent [[/handwritten signature]]
Robert C. Vincent 
Associate Professor
of Chemistry

[[handwritten notation]] Mrs Mason should know Thurs. [[/handwritten notation]]

[[stamped]] Anacostia High School
MAY 24 1955 [[/stamped]]